DIY Olive Oil Lip Balm


This olive oil lip balm was extremely easy to make, and only uses two ingredients – olive oil, and beeswax. You can add essential oils to this recipe if you like, but I wanted to keep this recipe as basic as possible. I love olive oil bath and beauty products. Maybe my Italian background is showing, but for me, olive oil reminds me of high-end health-oriented spa products. This recipe make a little bit more than one tube, and can easily be multiplied to make lovely little gifts for friends and family. I bought the beeswax pastilles from Mountain Rose Herbs and I used California Olive Ranch Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I like this brand because it’s made it California and is certified extra virgin olive oil by the California Olive Oil Council. This insures that  will be exactly what it claims to be: 100% pure extra virgin olive oil.

DIY Olive Oil Lip Balm
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 1 lip balm
  • 1 tsp beeswax
  • 1½ tsp extra virgin olive oil
  1. Place a heat-resistant glass pyrex measuring cup in a pot with a couple inches of water. Put on heat at a low setting so you start to see steam.
  2. Add beeswax and olive oil to measuring cup, and mix with a popsicle stick or bamboo skewer until they are both melted.
  3. Pour mixture carefully into a lip balm container.
  4. It should cool very quickly, but to be on the safe side, wait five minutes before using.

25 thoughts on “DIY Olive Oil Lip Balm”

  1. Thanks for the recipe Lauren!

    I was just wondering how long will this lip balm be ok to use? I was always under the impression that homemade balms don`t last for too long?

    1. There is no water in these lip balms, so they should last a while. Water breeds bacteria. Olive Oil and Beeswax have a indefinite shelf life… you can also rub the top off with some alcohol that is exposed to air, if you’re worried about bacteria growing on the surface.

  2. I just made this recipe (using our handpicked olive oil and beeswax from our hive)
    I tried it on my lips and it is wonderful.

    However I had an issue. After I melted the wax and olive oil together, I poured them into the container.
    At that point the beeswax settled to the bottom and immediately began to harden, while the olive oil floated on top.
    I was able to save the situation by mixing it vigorously with the toothpick.

    The resulting lip balm feels luscious but looks lumpy. It doesn’t have the smooth pro look that it would have if it had set in the pot.

    Any suggestions to prevent this happening?

      1. The lower the grade olive oil the leas concentrated fats and thus the lumpiness. We use Ilias And Sons Organic Olive oil which is a higher priced oil but worth it.

    1. I wonder if this could be happening to you because your beeswax may be a different consistency then the recipe’s brand, which may have caused this issue. Or possibly olive oil’s consistency may also be different after it gets bottled.

  3. Hi Lauren

    Is there any chance you could translate your measurements into weights please i.e. grams? I have much larger beeswax pellets so one tsp won’t be the same because the gaps in between the pellets will be bigger for me!


  4. Can you add vanilla extract to this, or would that be unsafe for topical use? Is there such a thing as vanilla essential oil?

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