Favorite YouTube Nutrition Lectures

“If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool.” – Hippocrates

I cannot stress the importance of being your own doctor for your healing process. On my journey, I seen many health professionals (western, eastern, and integrative) and some of the information has been conflicting, or just plain wrong. Not that it’s their fault. Many doctor’s are focused in one area of expertise and used to treating a specific type of illness or injury, but many of us don’t fall into to a nice neat category. The same goes for diet, we all have different nutritional needs and those needs should be addressed. Assuming one diet is better than another could be dangerous.

“You should never assume. You know what happens when you assume. You make an ass out of you and me because that’s how it’s spelled.” – Ellen DeGeneres

Furthermore, if you are knowledgeable about your disease you will have better communication with your doctor and get more out of the appointment, as oppose to wasting your time and money. That’s why I’ve put together a YouTube channel for our blog with some of my favorite Lectures so you can begin your own YouTube Education.

youTube lectures


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