Do Your Homework: Former Vegans Update Diet


Check out this post over at Kristen’s Raw. I think it takes a lot of guts to be open about her health issues, especially since she has cookbooks, a youTube channel, and a blog focused around vegan and raw food. I think it’s important to continually research your diet and keep updated on the latest news and books, even if they are about foods you no longer eat. Raw SOS, which was mentioned in the bestseller Wheat Belly, also has a page for vegans that describes the difficulties she had with her own diet, and what precautions to take if you wish to continue being vegan.

Since I’ve personally done raw vegan for about two months, then vegan, and have recently been experimenting with some animal-based foods, I can understand how difficult it is to change up your diet. When you start to make exceptions, it’s harder to maintain willpower. It’s also difficult to explain to your family and friends what diet you follow, and can bring on cravings that can be difficult to control. With all the conflicting recommendations it can be confusing. My advice is to take everything with a grain of salt and a little bit of faith, and remember to keep doing your homework.

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