Category Archives: Reviews

Book Review: The Magnesium Miracle

As someone who deals with chronic pain, getting my muscles to relax is extremely important. I’ve found Epsom Salt baths too time consuming, plus I prefer showers, so I wanted to do more research on this mineral to make sure I was taking the right dosage, as well as the right type of magnesium. I flipped to that section, and found that information pretty easily. I chose to go with a chelated magnesium glycinate/lysinate because it doesn’t have a laxative effect on the body.

Then, I read it cover to cover to understand the role magnesium plays in the body and with different diseases. I like how it was organized by different diseases as it could be a quick reference to someone with a busy schedule. It also showed recommended dosages for each disease, which I found to be extremely helpful.

She does provide a list of magnesium rich foods, but magnesium is a mineral that is often deficient in our soil, therefore, deficient in our food. That’s why I prefer this mineral in supplement form, although I think the information regarding a magnesium diet is still valuable. Since “many Americans remain dangerously deficient,” this book is a valuable read for everyone, and is easily understood by a reader without medical background.

Hope this helps, Later health nuts ; )